Can Cockroach Bites Make You Sick?

Cockroaches carry many diseases. The good news is that they don’t transmit these diseases via their bites. Instead, they spread the germs that they carry on their bodies through contamination of their environment. This contamination can come from cockroaches themselves, or from their waste matter. If you’re allergic to cockroaches or their waste, you should avoid contact with them. Alternatively, you can prevent cockroaches from entering your home by using products that are certified as being safe for people with allergies.

Some people are allergic to cockroaches, and cockroach bites can lead to a serious allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. Around one-third of Americans have a cockroach allergy. People with asthma may also develop allergic reactions to cockroaches, which can cause asthma attacks. Cockroaches also have wings and can fly, which can lead to severe symptoms in some people.

Cockroaches are very shy, and prefer to stay away from larger objects like humans. They tend to come out at night to feed, and will not fight a human for food. Despite their shyness, cockroaches are not pleasant to deal with, and they may even make you sick if you accidentally bite them.

The best way to treat a cockroach bite is to wash the area with soap and water to reduce the itching and swelling. In some cases, people have reported relief after using a mixture of baking soda and water, or applying rubbing alcohol to the affected area. In addition, you can try an antihistamine to reduce the itching and pain. It’s also advisable not to scratch the bite since it may lead to skin breakage and an increased risk of infection.