Considering ants are one of the most common insects on earth, it may come as a surprise to learn how they hold things. The tiny ants can carry objects more…Continue readingHow Do Ants Hold Things?
Using the principle of capillary action, ants draw water from a droplet to their mouths. They then swallow the liquid, which acts as a protective shield. Ants’ bodies are made…Continue readingHow Do Ants Hold Water?
Unlike humans, ants do not have emotions. But, they do smell, taste, and avoid unpleasant things. They also communicate via chemicals. The ant’s brain is very small, and contains around…Continue readingHow Do Ants Get Angry?
Among the most unusual interspecific relationships in animal biology, ants keep slaves. This is a social parasite-host relationship whereby adult workers of the host species emerge in the enslaver’s nest…Continue readingWhy Do Ants Keep Slaves?
Having ants around can be a nuisance. Some of them are harmless, but others are dangerous. If you have ants in your home, you need to know how to keep…Continue readingHow Do Ants Keep Roaches Away?
Keeping ants as pets is not advised. The ants are not very friendly and they can bite your pets. They can also carry aphids into their nests. If you decide…Continue readingDo Ants Keep Pets?
Having a hummingbird feeder in your yard is a great way to enjoy a beautiful bird. However, ants can become a problem when they swarm into the feeder. There are…Continue readingHow Do Ants Keep Hummingbirds Away?
Several ant species eat aphids, but do ants keep aphids as pets? Some species of ants, like brown ants, keep aphid colonies for honeydew. Several ants also use chemical agents…Continue readingDo Ants Keep Aphids As Pets?
Whether or not ants keep ticks away has yet to be fully verified. However, a recent study in Texas suggests that ants are responsible for driving small mammals out of…Continue readingDo Ants Keep Ticks Away?
Whether ants keep spiders away or not is a question that researchers at the Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, have studied. They found that spiders tend to avoid areas…Continue readingDo Ants Keep Spiders Away?
Several species of ants engage in “slave-taking” to serve their masters. The process is similar to humans domesticating animals to perform tasks for them. However, the ants themselves don’t know…Continue readingHow Do Ants Take Slaves?
During the spring months, ants start to emerge from their nests and take off on their search for food. They can be found in a variety of places, including sidewalks,…Continue readingHow Long Do Ants Last in Spring?
Depending on the species and the role that they play in the colony, ants can live anywhere from a few days to several decades. They depend on the food they…Continue readingHow Long Do Ants Last in House?
During the spring and summer months, ants begin to emerge from their nests to forage for food. During the winter, they begin to become dormant. An ant’s life span is…Continue readingHow Long Do Ants Stay Around?
Depending on where you live, ants can be a source of problems in the home. These insects are capable of entering your home in a number of ways, including through…Continue readingHow Long Do Ants Stay in the House?
Whether you are experiencing an ant infestation or are simply worried about ants entering your home, you may be wondering, “Do ants ever go away?” If you are wondering whether…Continue readingDo Ants Ever Go Away?
Termites and flying ants are two types of insects that are sometimes confused with each other. The truth is that they are very different. Termites are insect species that eat…Continue readingHow Do Termites Lose Their Wings?
Almost all ants are capable of stinging. However, the venom can cause an allergic reaction, which can only be treated by medical assistance. This allergic reaction, which is called anaphylaxis,…Continue readingHow Do Ants Lose Their Stingers?
Unlike termites, ants have two sets of wings. The first set is called the alates, and the second set is called the drones. The alates only have wings for a…Continue readingHow Do Queen Ants Lose Their Wings?
During spring and early summer, carpenter ant colonies produce winged swarmers. These ants have transparent wings with prominent veins. They are usually black, though they may also have a reddish…Continue readingHow Do Carpenter Ants Lose Their Wings?