
How Do Ants Get Angry?

Unlike humans, ants do not have emotions. But, they do smell, taste, and avoid unpleasant things. They also communicate via chemicals.

The ant’s brain is very small, and contains around 250,000 neurones. They have an exceptionally high def sense of smell. Their antennae enable them to smell things they would otherwise be unable to. They use these to taste things and to find food.

They also have very strong mandibles. Some species of ants are very aggressive, including the African driver ants. They can kill humans. Some species of ants use their mandibles to tear their enemies apart. This can cause nerve damage.

Other species of ants use pheromones to recognize each other. These chemicals help them communicate with each other and help them coordinate their reproductive efforts. They also help them distinguish members of their colony from non-members.

When they detect a threat, ants will send out signals that help them understand what the threat is. This is called the alarm. They also release pheromones to distribute work amongst the colony. The colony may also respond to certain sounds or other signals.

When an ant is squashed, it emits a scented alarm. This pheromone triggers a frenzy of attack. Ants are also capable of causing a sting, which is painful and can paralyze the victim.

A recent study on ants found that the ants that had more activated receptors on their mandibles were less aggressive. They also were less likely to attack other colonies.