
Do Ants Keep Spiders Away?

Whether ants keep spiders away or not is a question that researchers at the Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, have studied. They found that spiders tend to avoid areas with aggressive ants. This could be because of the chemical cues left behind by ants. Alternatively, spiders may avoid danger by sensing these chemical cues.

Ants are small arthropods with strong jaws. They are attracted to food crumbs, spills and hard surfaces. They also have chemical defences.

Ants can be a problem in a home because they often eat leftovers and left overs. If you don’t want to spray them with chemicals, you can try using borax, garlic, catnip oil or loose tobacco.

You can also use a concentrated salt solution to spray on cracks and holes around pipes and other pest entry points. You can also use chalk to draw lines on the ground to disrupt their scent trails.

Researchers also discovered that spiders were less abundant in ant colonies. In addition, they found that web-building spiders avoided locations that were frequented by foraging ants.

Researchers hope to find a way to make chemical spider repellents that are ecologically sound. They will need to study the pheromones that spiders emit, as well as the chemical trail left behind by predator ants. They will also need to make lab-made alternatives for home use.

Ants can be a problem if you aren’t careful about cleaning your house. They may find their way inside through holes in screens or air vents. They can also nest on external walls. You can block spider entry points with weather stripping, caulk or weather-stripping. You can also clean exterior lights, woodpiles and windowsills to keep pests away.