What Can Help Kill Bed Bugs?

If you’ve found bedbugs in your home, you may want to find out what can help kill them before they breed. Fortunately, there are many free or low-cost methods of eliminating bedbugs that won’t harm your family or your belongings. Most of these methods avoid toxic chemicals and make use of items you probably already have at home.

One of the best methods for killing bed bugs is heat. Using a hairdryer or steaming, you can kill bedbug eggs without using harsh chemicals. Bedbugs were almost eliminated in the 1940s, but increased travel and resistance to pesticides may have led to a recent resurgence. In addition, people may have simply forgotten about them and haven’t treated them properly.

In addition to treating your bedbugs with a home-made insecticide, you can also take measures to prevent further infestation by washing your linens and clothing on a high heat setting. If you can’t avoid washing and drying them, you can put them in the dryer on a medium-high setting to kill any remaining insects. Another method is to wrap your clothes and other items in plastic. This will help prevent bedbugs from escaping, as well as avoid spreading the infestation to other items.

Another option for killing bed bugs is to apply crushed mint leaves. This can be sprayed on the mattress and around entry points. Mint leaves contain an ingredient known as Beauveria bassiana, which is a fungus that attacks bed bugs and renders them infertile and immobile. Lemongrass can also kill bed bugs. Its acid content will make them unable to reproduce.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!