What Bed Bugs Do

During the night, bedbugs feed on their hosts. These creatures have straw-like mouthparts, and they use their elongated proboscis to suck up blood. This action can be very painful, as the bedbugs leave red, itchy lesions on the skin.

The adult bedbug is about a quarter-inch long, and is brown in color. They feed on human blood, and they are most common in bed frames, mattresses, and box springs. Once inside the home, these insects will move around, seeking shelter in dark places. The first sign of an infestation will likely be bites, which are the most visible sign of bedbug infestation.

The common bedbug is a member of the family Cimicidae (true bugs). It is usually found in temperate and tropical climates. It feeds on human blood, although it can also feed on pets, birds, and other animals. It is most active in the nighttime, and it does not like the sunlight.

Bedbugs reproduce by traumatic insemination. The male bugs use their hypodermic genitalia to pierce the female anywhere on her abdomen. The sperm then diffuses through the body cavity and to the ovaries. The female bugs lay up to five eggs a day, and about 500 during their lifetime. The eggs are one millimeter long and milky white in color.

To control bedbugs, the first step is to wash all bedding and check for evidence of bugs. Then, remove any dust cover or box spring covers and look for cracks or openings. If the infestation is still there, consider calling a pest control company. These professionals have the training and tools needed to safely eliminate bedbug infestations.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!