How Are Bed Bugs Attracted to Human Blood?

Bedbugs feed on human blood. However, unlike mosquitoes, they do not suck blood directly from humans. Instead, they inject saliva into the blood, which prevents clotting and makes it easier for the bedbugs to feed. The thick layer of human skin also means that bedbugs can eat human blood without harming them. They also feed on different types of blood, and some types of blood are more appealing to bedbugs than others.

The smell of human blood is a major attraction for bedbugs. Interestingly, bedbugs aren’t attracted to urine. However, they are attracted to natural fibers like cotton. Also, they are drawn to cleaning products containing ammonia. This is because the smell of ammonia is similar to human sweat. In addition to human sweat, bedbugs are attracted to the smell of human blood.

Bedbugs can hide in the folds of a mattress and box springs. They also have papery skins that are similar to popcorn kernels, but much smaller. Their dark blood-filled droppings can cause dark spots on a bed. You can test for them by running a damp towel over the affected area. It should run a reddish color.

Bedbugs prefer dark, still places where they can hide and breed. This makes mattresses and other surfaces perfect breeding grounds. They are most likely to be found in the seams of mattresses and near the places where people sleep. Mattresses are often left uncleaned, making them a prime location for breeding. Couches are another perfect place to house these pests. Even the cleanest house will not be safe from them.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!