How Big Are Baby Bed Bugs?

When compared to full-grown bedbugs, baby bedbugs are much smaller. They have shorter legs and tend to stay hidden. They only come out at night to feed. Their body is also not as flat as an adult’s. However, it is important to understand that they are still in their infancy, and may not be fully developed.

In their first stage, baby bedbugs are a pale, yellowish-white color and are 1/16th inch long. Once they feed, they change color to a dark brown color. This coloration comes from the blood they draw from a host. As they develop, they will change color and size to resemble adult bedbugs.

As their size increases, they will begin to feed. This feeding process will continue for at least three days. As baby bedbugs grow, they will have a much larger number of bites. These bites can be painful, but they are usually not contagious. You can get relief by applying topical steroid creams to the area where the bite occurred.

When the bedbug nymphs emerge, it’s a good sign that the infestation is growing. It’s an indicator that the females are feeding and laying eggs. Baby bed bugs are about half the size of adult bed bugs by their third stage. As they continue their development, they will turn a darker brown or crimson color.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!