Can You Go to Work If You Have Bed Bugs?

Although bed bugs can be difficult to live with, you do not need to isolate yourself and stay home. You can still go to work, even if you have to quarantine your work clothes and store them separately. However, you should not sit or lie down on furniture while at work. This can spread the bed bug infestation.

You should take the necessary precautions before returning to work. Firstly, you should dry your clothes thoroughly, and then seal them in a plastic bag. Also, you should change your clothes at the front door. Another thing to remember is to protect your coworkers. Most people do not like to share such information, and you may have to deal with a lot of stigma.

You must also consider the way you communicate the situation with your staff. If there is an outbreak at work, you should inform the entire staff and explain the plan of extermination. This way, you can counterbalance any stigma attached to bedbugs and encourage your staff to disclose their problems.

If you suspect bedbugs, you should inspect your furniture. You should check for signs of infestation, such as bites. Often bedbugs live on bedframes, box springs, and upholstery. They hide under padding and are hard to detect. If you cannot identify the bugs with a magnifying glass, a pest control professional can identify them for you.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!