
What Do I Need to Keep Ants Out of My Home?

Using natural deterrents is a great way to keep ants out of your home. You can use cinnamon, peppermint oil, and bay leaves to keep ants away.

Keeping your yard and garden clean is one of the best ways to keep ants out of your home. Using diatomaceous earth is another good way to keep ants from entering your home.

Another natural deterrent is borax. Borax is a naturally occurring pesticide. You can find it at your local hardware store. You can also purchase it online. You should also keep your home free of stray food crumbs.

If you don’t want to use a chemical, try using essential oils. You can find essential oils online or at a health food store. You can also spray them around the windows.

You can also keep an ant barrier in your home to keep ants from entering your home. This can be a plastic box with air holes in the bottom. You can also cover the edges of the box with teflon.

Another way to keep ants out of your home is to keep the kitchen and bathrooms clean. Sweep your floors regularly to remove any food crumbs. You can also use a cleaning solution to wipe down your surfaces.

You can also add peppermint essential oil to a spray bottle and spray it around your windows. This should be avoided around pets and children.

You can also use boric acid to kill ants. Boric acid erodes the ants’ outer shells.