
Do I Need Ants in My Home?

Despite their appearance, ants are not harmful to humans. Ants are also helpful to the environment. They break up dead animal and plant remains and clean up debris. They also speed up the decomposition of organic material and fertilize plants.

If you have an ant problem, you should consider hiring a professional to get rid of them. If you’re not sure where to start, a trained professional can help you locate ant entry points. Usually, ants will find their way into your home through small holes. They can also find cracks in the pavement or lawn. They’ll look for food and build their nests in the cracks.

Ants are known for looking for sugary things. You may find that they have laid chemical trails to their nest. This allows them to find food, and they’ll bring it back to the colony.

Most ants have a “hive mind” that’s shared by the entire colony. Their social structure is also hierarchical. The queen is the only ant that can lay eggs, and she is the center of activity in the colony. The worker ants are the ones that go out looking for food.

Some species of ants hibernate during the cooler months. Other ants seek indoor warmth during the winter months.

There are many species of ants, and most share the same “hive mind” as well as the same body shape. They don’t have great eyes for seeing far, though. They use their antennae to locate food and chemicals. They also use their mandibles to shape food.