
Do I Need to Worry About Flying Ants?

Termites and flying ants can be scary, but they are not any more dangerous than other types of ants. Flying ants are more interested in mating than eating. They are sometimes mistaken for termites, but they are a separate species.

If you have an ant infestation, you should call a pest control professional. This will help you get rid of the ants and locate any hidden nests. A professional can also inject a strong pesticide to kill them.

Ant swarms are a sign that you have a larger infestation. The ants in swarms only have one goal in mind: mating. They will bite if you threaten them.

If you are worried about flying ants, the first thing you should do is call a pest control professional. This will allow a professional to determine if the ants are termites or flying ants. If they are flying ants, you can use an insecticide spray to kill them.

If you are unsure whether the ants are termites, you can get a professional to come out and check your house for any hidden nests. If the ants are not termites, you can try sealing cracks in your walls. This will cut off the entryway and keep flying ants from coming back. You should also turn off outdoor lights, as they attract flying ants.

If you want to get rid of flying ants on your own, you should use a mixture of boric acid powder and water. You can buy this powder online or at a hardware store.