Which Termites Swarm at Night?

Termites are a pest that can cause major damage to your home. They chew through wood, and leave damage on your flooring and furniture. They also enter your home through holes and cracks in your doors and windows. Using a vacuum cleaner is a simple way to remove them. However, they may require multiple vacuumings over a few days.

There are several types of termites. Some species swarm at night, while others swarm during the day. The time of year they swarm also depends on the type of termite you are dealing with. Some species prefer swarming during the warmer months. Swarming is not a common occurrence, but it can happen.

Termite swarms occur when the colony of a termite reaches its maximum capacity. The swarmers flit around the area, searching for a mate. The swarmers are alates, which are the reproductive caste of termites. A single alate can have thousands of colony-mates, which can cause a lot of damage.

A swarm can be very visible, especially in warm weather. Swarming termites will be flying in the direction of a light source. They will then shed their wings and return to the ground. Occasionally, swarmers will leave piles of wings on the ground or in your home.

During a swarm, the termites are attracted to light and humidity. Often, they will move in groups and collect around your home’s windows and sliding glass doors.

They then release a chemical trail that helps them locate the food they need. Once they find the food source, the colony members deliver it to their nest mates.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!