Termites and Their Noise-Making Capabilities
Termites can produce a lot of noise, but what exactly are these tiny bugs’ noise-making capabilities? Termites create sound to communicate, warn other termites, and warn us of danger. They also use their wings to make a buzzing noise. They can also tunnel through wood.
During the spring, termites may be in the vicinity of your house, making a gnawing or swarming sound. This is not an uncommon occurrence, though some people are unaware of it. They also may be making a few other types of sounds.
One type of noise is the oh-so-classy tapping noise made by termites. These noises are caused by the fact that termites are digging through the wall. You can tell if you have an infestation by noticing holes in the wall, as well as hollow spots.
Another sound you might hear from termites is the oh-so-classy clicking sound. These are used to communicate with each other and are much more efficient than the head-banging sound.
Depending on the species and the level of infestation, you might actually be able to hear them. If you have a serious infestation, it is a good idea to listen closely to the walls to hear the noises. If you are unable to, call a pest control professional.
Termites are known for their undetected damage. They can leave mud trails, wings, and other signs of their presence. In addition to causing a lot of noise, they can also do irreparable damage.