How Do Termites Affect You?

Termites don’t bite humans but they can cause damage to your home. Often, homeowners don’t even realize that their homes have been infected with termites. Besides being physically destructive, termites also attract mold and mildew. This can lead to health problems for some people.

Termites eat wood and weaken the integrity of a home. When termites start to invade your home, they can cause warped window frames, crumbling baseboards, and sagging floors. They can also release mold spores, which can land on your food or skin and aggravate allergic reactions. If you have allergies, you may be at risk of developing asthma when you live in a house that has been infected with termites.

If you suspect that your home has been infested with termites, contact a professional for assistance. Your state pesticide regulatory agency should be able to help you find a qualified company.

While termites do not bite humans, they are known to sting. This does not usually cause any serious illness but it can irritate your skin and make you feel uncomfortable. If you are bitten, most of the stings will go away within a day. During swarming season, termites can fill your air with termite allergens.

Termites can enter your home through holes, cracks, and leaky door frames. They can also get inside through entry points that are outside of your home.

Termites swarm in late spring and summer. These swarms tend to gather around windows and sliding glass doors. Swarms also occur indoors.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!