Does Termites Kill Ants?
Termites have been around for centuries, and they cause extensive damage to homes. Although it is possible to control them, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. A professional pest control company can help you determine what course of treatment is best for your property.
Termites can be found in the soil or in the structure of your home. They come up through the foundation or into the home’s interior. They can build nests in the ground or in trees.
Termites are a wood-eating insect. They chew through the inside of the wood, creating tunnels. They then excrete the digested wood and soil as mud tubes. These tubes are about the thickness of a pencil. They can be found in forests, suburban developments, and other dry wood habitats.
If you see piles of sawdust or wood pellets in your home, it may be a sign of a termite infestation. Termites are attracted to cellulose-rich materials.
Termites are different from ants. Termites are larger and they have straight antennae. They have no waist. Termites are also known as “soldier termites” because they fight off the ants and kill them. They can live in moist soil and can even live with water from roof leaks.
Termites are also capable of causing wide-scale destruction to wood. This is why it is important to know if your home is infested. You can easily find out by inspecting your wood. If it has any signs of termite activity, you should call a professional pest control company right away.