Do Termites Make Noise?

Termites are tiny insects. They do not sleep, but they work around the clock. They can cause structural damage to your home. If you think you may have a termite infestation, hire a pest control professional to inspect your property.

The most common sounds produced by termites are head-banging and chewing. Head-banging is a sound that is loud and very noticeable. Soldier termites can make this sound when they are beating their heads against the walls of tunnels. The banging creates vibrations that spread throughout the colony.

Crunching is another termite noise that is less intense than head-banging. It can be heard if a large infestation has been discovered. The sound is not as loud as head-banging, but it is still noticeable.

Swarming termites can also be heard at night. They produce a light buzzing sound, and sometimes they will hit wood. They can also land near windowsills or ventilation slots in the attic. The swarms are short, and they tend to gravitate toward the light.

If you hear these noises, you should start an extermination program immediately. If you have poor hearing, or if you cannot locate the source of the noise, you should contact a professional. If you have good hearing, you can check to see if you can find the source of the noise.

These noises are produced by termites as they chew and tunnel through the wood. They are also caused by the constant movement of their mandibles.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!