Do Termites Bite Human Flesh?

Termites are a common pest in homes. They often cause damage to carpets, floors and ceilings. However, they rarely bite humans or animals. Instead, they prefer to use their mouth parts on wood. Usually, they are only a nuisance.

Unlike other insects, they don’t carry diseases when they bite. When they do bite, they only leave a red mark or itch. The itching is not very painful, but can make your skin swell. If the itching gets worse, it is a sign of an infection. If you have a fever, you should seek medical attention.

Termites tend to avoid people, but they can attack other creatures. They can also eat plants. If your home has a lot of plant material, there is a good chance you will have termites. They will only attack if the conditions are right. You can take steps to keep these pests out of your home.

If you think you have been bitten by termites, call your doctor. You can do some home remedies to treat the bite, but you should see your doctor if the symptoms worsen. You may need to use a combination of treatments. Some may include chemical applications around your home. Other treatment methods include applying activated charcoal to the bite.

In the meantime, you can use over-the-counter products to ease the pain and swelling. You can apply a cold compress to the affected area to ease the pain.

The red bump is usually gone within a day or two. You should wash the area to prevent a rash. You can also look for an anti-itch cream.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!