Do Termite Stakes Really Work?

Termite stakes are an effective and economical method of controlling termites. They are easy to install and are readily available. They should be placed in a trench, about 10 inches deep, around the perimeter of the home. They should be replaced every 9 months.

Termite baits are also available. They can be purchased from stores throughout the United States. They are not completely effective against termites. However, they are cheaper than professional pest control services. They can be used to kill small infestations and are a good alternative to chemical treatments.

Termite baits are usually made of corrugated cardboard. They contain a substance called “sulflurimid”, which is derived from the cellulose food source. The termites consume the material, which then carries the poison to other colonies. The bait can be reused. It can take about a month for the product to be effective.

When the bait is consumed, the bait material will slowly kill the termites. In addition, the bait material will transfer the poison to other colonies. This is why a bait is not 100% effective.

Stakes are a more affordable and less environmentally destructive alternative to chemical treatments. They can be installed in as little as an hour. They require periodic surveillance to ensure that they are still effective. In addition, you need to check for signs of termites at least every three months. If you suspect that they are not infesting your home, you can return the stakes for a full refund.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!