Can Jeyes Fluid Kill Termites?

Termites are insects which can damage the structural integrity of your house. They love to eat cellulose found in wood and cardboard.

There are some effective methods you can use to get rid of termites. These natural treatments are safe for humans and pets. These remedies can be applied to your home or your garden.

The most common method is to expose your infested areas to sunlight. The sun’s rays will kill some types of termites. However, you may not be able to reach all of the insects. If you do not have access to sunlight, you can place a UV lamp near the infested area. These lamps will have the same effect as the sun.

Another alternative is to spray a chemical solution on the affected areas. This can be accomplished by using a quart-sized plastic bucket or jar. You can spray the solution on the floor or on a surface to kill the termites.

If you want to treat a termite infestation naturally, try a boric acid solution. You can spray this solution on the affected areas or sprinkle it around the edges of your home. It will dehydrate the termites and stop their nervous system.

Alternatively, you can use neem oil. You will need to apply it to the infested areas several times to kill all of the termites. You should also be careful when using neem oil. Unlike some other pesticides, neem oil can be harmful to your family.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!