How Termites Move From House to House

Termites are insects that live in wood. They can be found in homes and are often a major threat to the structural integrity of a building. These insects have behavior that makes it difficult to prevent them from spreading. If you are experiencing a termite problem, you should contact a professional pest control company to get rid of them.

Termites can enter your home through cracks in the foundation wall, or through other structural faults. In some cases, they can come through the utility lines or through settling of the slab. They may also enter through the foundation if it has been damaged by landscaping or construction.

Termites are known to travel from one house to another in search of a new food source. During the reproductive process, swarmers grow wings and leave the colony to start their own. These swarmers can enter through the wood surfaces of a house, or through holes under a roof.

A termite colony can be very large. In an acre of land, there can be as many as eight to ten active colonies. The colony consists of hundreds of workers and queens. They can spread to neighboring homes without the homeowner’s knowledge.

Unlike ants, termites do not travel long distances. They will usually use wind to propel themselves in short distances. They are also weak fliers. They are not able to differentiate between new and old homes.

Termites prefer dark, damp areas. They can take shelter in aging wood or in planks from abandoned buildings. They are also attracted to wood fences and cardboard boxes.

Our top picks for getting rid of termites

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your termite infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!