Can Termites Be White?
Termites are one of the most destructive insects in the world. They are a group of about 2,600 different species. There are four types of adult termites. These are called Workers, Soldiers, Alates, and Termite Swarmers.
The termite colony consists of largely of the Workers caste. Workers have a pale brown, soft body, no wings, and no eyes. They have hard mouthparts for chewing wood.
The soldier caste has a dark, or brown, head, mandibles, and large, dark-colored bodies. They bang their heads against the wood to signal danger.
The ant caste has straight antennae and a similar body shape. Termites are smaller than ants, with three body segments. The nymphs and workers of the colony are also smaller than ants, but they are still similar in size.
Flying termites are often mistaken for ants. They have two sets of wings that are similar in size, but are not as thick. They are also not as long as ants.
Subterranean termites are usually very hard to find. They can live in damp areas of the ground or the wood in your home. They can have a musky, mildew-like odor.
Some of the signs of termite infestation include piles of dry feces, or frass, and brown cracks in the wood. If you notice any of these signs, call a professional pest control company to evaluate the situation. You may want to remove loose sections of wood from the yard.
There are many different species of termites, which vary in appearance based on their role. Some termites, such as subterranean termites, can cause significant structural damage to your home.