Can Drywood Termites Be Spot Treated?
Drywood termites are a common insect pest in the United States. They are usually found in the eaves and attics of a home. They are known to feed on wood and furniture, including wood flooring.
Fortunately, there are numerous effective control products available to help eliminate drywood termites. However, the effectiveness of these methods can vary. The level of infestation and the location of the colony can influence the effectiveness of the treatment.
The two main ways to kill drywood termites are with chemicals and fumigation. Both are relatively safe and easy to use. It is important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each option before making a decision.
Fumigation is the most reliable and most proven method of eradicating termites. This method involves the application of a gas (fumigant) that penetrates all parts of a structure. The gas is quickly absorbed by the insects, who are then killed.
Another method is to apply chemicals to specific areas of the home. These chemical treatments are usually less expensive than whole home fumigation.
The effectiveness of a chemical treatment depends on the level of infestation. If the drywood termites are located in an inaccessible part of the home, a spot treatment may be the only way to achieve successful results.
A termite infestation will often require several treatments before the problem is completely eliminated. The effectiveness of the treatments is also dependent on the colony’s size and the accuracy of detection.