What Happens If You Eat a Silverfish?

Silverfish are a critter that many people don’t want around their homes. They are also a nuisance, damaging furniture and carpets.

While there is no proof that silverfish are poisonous, they can cause mildew, stains, and damage to your belongings. If you have a large infestation, it can be a challenge to control.

Silverfish are nocturnal insects, meaning they are active at night. If you have small children, it is best to keep them out of areas where silverfish can get in.

Silverfish are attracted to moist clothes and damp materials. You can repel them with a lemon juice and water spray, a squirt of orange oil, or some cinnamon sticks.

The best way to protect your home is to store your food in metal containers or sealed glass containers. However, it is not uncommon for silverfish to find their way into your food storage area.

Most items that are kept in a pantry are especially vulnerable to silverfish damage. Items like cereals, dry foods, bread, and leftovers are at risk.

Books, papers, and magazines are also susceptible to damage. Silverfish will eat glue, polysaccharide, and starch.

Silverfish aren’t dangerous to humans, but they can be a hazard to pets. If your hamster comes in contact with silverfish, it may take a bite.

Unlike most other pests, silverfish are not venomous. Their droppings look like small black peppercorns. These can make a mess and leave a nasty stain on your books and fabrics.

Our top picks for getting rid of silverfish

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your silverfish infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!