What Are Silverfish Bad For?

Silverfish are not a problem to human health. However, they can cause damage to your home. They can feed on paper, fabrics, and even books.

Silverfish are typically between 12 and 19 millimeters in length. Their appearance ranges from white to bluish silver. During their lifespan, silverfish will shed their skin. This leaves yellow residue behind.

Generally, silverfish prefer starchy materials. These include dried foods stored in damp cupboards.

Silverfish can also chew through fabric. Some people suffer allergic reactions to the insect’s skin.

Usually, silverfish eat paper and cardboard, but they can also nibble on fabric and books. It’s important to keep printed material and books in airtight containers. Using dehumidifiers can also discourage silverfish.

The best way to prevent a silverfish infestation is to clear the clutter in your home. This will eliminate areas where silverfish can hide.

You can also kill silverfish by applying diluted Boric acid. Boric acid is a poison that silverfish cannot resist. Applied as a spray, it can kill the insects, but it can be harmful to humans and pets.

Another effective method is to place sticky insect traps around the edges of your home. Sticky traps consist of a thin layer of glue and a cardboard base. Silverfish are attracted to these traps because they are sticky.

Another way to get rid of silverfish is by using diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth is a fine, chalky powder that contains ground-up fossils. Unlike other pest control methods, this will kill silverfish, but it is not good for your lungs.

Our top picks for getting rid of silverfish

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your silverfish infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!