How to Get Rid of a Silverfish Infestation

Silverfish, or the isopod, are a family of insects that tend to live in moist environments. They breathe through tiny openings on their sides, which helps them to get the water they need.

They are nocturnal creatures, meaning that they move at night. They can be found in damp, dark areas. Their life span is eight years, and they can reproduce up to sixty times.

Silverfish feed on various materials. They primarily consume starches, but they also eat protein and carbohydrates. However, they cannot transmit diseases.

Typically, silverfish live in secluded, damp places. They can enter your home through cracks or around door frames.

If you find a silverfish infestation, you should remove it. The first step is to get rid of their food source. You can keep silverfish from eating your foods by sealing them tightly. In addition, you can use insecticides. Boric acid is effective, as are insecticides with amorphous silica gel.

You can also use diatomaceous earth, a natural powder made from fossilized diatoms. It is a safe and non-toxic alternative to chemical insecticides.

Although silverfish are not dangerous to people or pets, they can damage your belongings. They are attracted to paper products, such as cereal boxes.

Silverfish may contaminate food, and they can eat glue. This can cause stains on clothes. Using essential oils or repellents, such as lemongrass oil, can help to keep silverfish out of your home.

Another effective way to control silverfish is to keep your house clean. This can be done through regular dusting and hoovering.

Our top picks for getting rid of silverfish

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your silverfish infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!