How Fast Can Silverfish Run?

If you’ve ever seen a silverfish, you’re probably wondering how fast these insects can run. They are small insects with metallic-looking scales and no wings.

They can run as quickly as two feet vertically. When they run, they use their antennae, which are quite long. The antennae help the silverfish keep up with their speed and outrun other predators.

Silverfish have been around for 400 million years. In their lifetime, they will molt approximately 60 times. It’s important to know that they don’t carry venom. They are also immune to most bug poisons.

A silverfish can live without food for months or even a year. However, they need proteins, sugars, and carbohydrates to survive. As a result, they are often attracted to things like paper and glue.

To prevent an infestation of silverfish, try to remove any clutter from your home. Try to store clothes and other dry items in sealed containers. You should also make sure that your house is well ventilated. Ventilation will clear moisture out of the air, which will keep the silverfish away from your food.

Another way to get rid of silverfish is to get a vacuum cleaner. Use a HEPA vacuum to extract them from your home. Also, use sticky traps or bait to capture them.

Unlike other insects, silverfish don’t have wings or fangs. Their mandibles are weak, so they won’t hurt humans.

If you have a serious infestation of silverfish, consider hiring a pest technician to remove the eggs and repair any holes in your home’s defenses.

Our top picks for getting rid of silverfish

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your silverfish infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!