Why Rats Should Be Killed

Rats can be a major nuisance in the home, causing a lot of damage. They also carry several diseases that could put the health of everyone in the home at risk. They can also damage electrical wires, increasing the risk of fire. In the United States, experts say that 20 to 25 percent of house fires are caused by rat damage. So, you can see why it is so important to kill these pests as soon as you find them.

Rats can also pose a serious threat to pets. Rat bites can cause serious injury to your cat or dog, and they can also carry serious diseases. It is important to keep rat poison out of reach of children and pets. This poison can cause serious health problems, and it can even be fatal without treatment.

Rats also breed rapidly. Just two rats can give birth to up to 100 offspring in a year. So, if you have a place where rats can breed in a short time, you could be dealing with thousands of rats in no time. Rats can also be a major nuisance because they can cause a lot of property damage and pose a health risk. In addition, dead rats release putrid gasses that can trigger asthma attacks and attract other pests.

To kill rats in a home, you need to make sure that all potential entry points are closed off. If you find a gap or a crack, make sure you plug it with a metal screen. Also, make sure that you keep food away from where rats can get in.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!