How Important Are Rats?

Rats are nocturnal creatures. They will only come out of hiding when disturbed or if there is a need to go to the bathroom or dispose of garbage. They prefer the darkness of nighttime to protect themselves from predators like owls, and they are most active during the night. You can identify the presence of rats by detecting their entrance marks, droppings, and odor.

Rats feed on a wide variety of items, but they prefer sweet and protein-rich foods. They have a flexible skeleton, which allows them to squeeze through small spaces and remain compressed for a long time. In addition to food, rats also live in sewers and underground. Their ability to live in such confined areas is a sign of their adaptability.

Rats can carry a number of diseases. In fact, they are implicated in the spread of over 40 diseases. In Europe, the Black Death, which killed an estimated 25 million people, was blamed on plague infestations. But scientists now believe that the disease was actually caused by gerbils. The wet conditions that plague victims endured would have made it a perfect breeding ground for them.

Rats also carry salmonella, a bacteria that can cause serious health problems. It’s important to keep rats away from food in your kitchen to avoid contamination. In addition to food poisoning, rats can transmit leptospirosis, a bacterial disease that is transmitted to humans by infected animals. This can cause fever, muscle aches, and bleeding in the lungs. In severe cases, the disease can result in meningitis.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!