Why Are Rats So Hard to Kill?

Rats can be quite difficult to kill. They can chew through brick walls and even telephone lines. They can damage electrical wiring and carry a number of diseases that are harmful to people. In order to effectively kill them, you must be familiar with their biology and behavior. To successfully eradicate rats, you must consider all methods of rat control.

Rats are nocturnal animals that leave their nests at dusk. They are also incredibly good at hiding and can easily live in large numbers without being discovered. Unlike mice, rats have an extremely high survival rate and can adjust quickly to new surroundings, food sources, and routines.

In some cases, killing individual rats may be enough to get rid of the problem, but this is a temporary fix. The best way to eliminate rats is to change the habitat. Older homes are often full of crevices and cracks. Even a small crack can be a large entry point for rats. Copper wool mesh can be placed in these cracks to stop the animals from coming inside.

Rats reproduce rapidly. They can gnaw through telephone cables and climb brick walls. They can also swim for days without drowning. This makes it difficult for a city to handle a rat infestation. New York City recently launched a $32 million war on rats in order to control the problem. The city’s goal is to cut off the rat’s food supply.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!