How Expensive Are Rats to Keep?

Rats are a great pet choice. They are inexpensive to buy, and compared to other animals, they require little maintenance. You can expect to spend between $5 and $20 a month on food and supplies, depending on the breed and the size of the cage. However, you should know that the cost of maintaining a pet rat can increase if you choose to purchase it from a breeder.

Purchasing a pet rat from a pet store can cost up to 10 dollars. However, you should be aware that even these inexpensive pet rats can incur large vet bills. Because rats are considered exotic animals, finding a good veterinarian can be difficult. Veterinary bills can be as high as $150.

If you are planning to buy a single rat, it’s best to look for a reputable breeder. Most of these people will not sell a single rat and will prefer to sell you a pair. Buying a rat from a reputable breeder shouldn’t cost you more than $20. However, if you choose a higher quality breed, the cost may be higher.

Rats usually live for around two to two and a half years. Because they hide illnesses well, you’ll have to make regular trips to the vet. Purchasing two or more rats will cost you a total of about PS2,560 over two to 2.5 years. Keeping a single rat in a home will cost you less than half that amount.

Our top picks for getting rid of rodents

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your rodent infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!