Why Do Mosquitoes Bites Itch?

Often, when you are walking outdoors you will be subject to the dreaded mosquito buzz. These insects can transmit many serious diseases, such as Eastern Equine Encephalitis, Zika, and West Nile. They can also itch your skin, leaving red, itchy bumps.

When you are exposed to a mosquito, your immune system reacts to the saliva in the bite by releasing histamine. The chemicals in this chemical increase blood flow to the bitten area, and alert your immune system to get rid of the saliva. Itching starts about twenty minutes after the bite, and may last for several days.

If you are allergic to the saliva in the bite, you might experience a severe reaction. This is called anaphylaxis. A small number of people develop this response, and if it is serious, you should seek medical attention.

Using an ice pack can help ease your itching. However, you should not use an ice pack on an infected bite. This will cause the bite to swell and can damage your skin.

Using an antihistamine is an effective way to treat the itch of a mosquito bite. These medications are available over the counter, and should be used according to the label instructions.

Using a baking soda and water mixture can also reduce the itchiness associated with a mosquito bite. In addition, honey has many properties that relieve itching.

One of the most common remedies for itching is to apply a 1% hydrocortisone cream. You can also try rubbing alcohol on the bite, but be careful not to slather too much.