How Long Do Mosquitoes Live?

Depending on a number of factors, the lifespan of mosquitoes can vary. Some species can live only outdoors, while others can survive indoors for months. There are also mosquitoes that can only survive for a short period of time and then die on their own.

In addition to their annoying bites, mosquitoes have also been known to spread harmful diseases. Scientists have even found that mosquitoes may cause West Nile virus in humans. However, scientists say that the risk of being bitten by a mosquito is relatively low.

Depending on the location, the average lifespan of a mosquito can be one to two months. A study performed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that the life span of mosquitoes is affected by temperature. NIH researchers determined that mosquitoes could survive for an average of 130 days when they were kept in temperatures that were above 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

A female mosquito will lay hundreds of eggs, which will hatch into larvae. These larvae will feed on algae and protozoans, before they molt into pupae. The pupae will float in water for a period of time before they wiggle in the air. They will stay on the surface of the water for a few days before they start to develop into adult mosquitoes.

The adult female mosquito will take a blood meal from a person, animal, or plant. She will then lay her eggs in a place where they can grow.