Where Do Mosquitoes Go in the Winter?

During the summer, mosquitoes can be a major nuisance. Their bites can cause itchy welts and carry diseases. But what happens to them in winter? Do they disappear, or are they still around?

In the warmer months, female mosquitoes lay eggs. These eggs stay dormant until spring, when the temperatures start to rise. Then, the eggs hatch and the mosquitoes begin their lives again. In some instances, the eggs even survive in cold, dry weather.

In the winter, the mosquitoes enter a dormant state known as diapause. In this period, their metabolisms slow down, and they store nutrients in their bodies. After a few days, they leave their dormant state and resume their life. This allows them to get ready for the next spring.

Some female mosquitoes will lay their eggs in pools of water that could freeze, while others will prefer to lay their eggs in logs, hollow logs, or animal burrows. These types of places provide good hiding spots for the mosquitoes.

Some female mosquitoes will also choose to stay in the home. This can be helpful if the home has a warm place to hibernate. If not, the mosquitoes will move to a spot that offers shelter.

If you live in a colder climate, you can prevent these annoying creatures from ruining your day. Some ways to do this are to remove standing water, clean up damp areas, and take steps to drain any water features.

During the winter, male mosquitoes die. They cannot survive the colder temperatures. This is why you will not see them during the cold season.