Facts About Where Do Mosquitoes Live

Throughout the world, mosquitoes can be found. Some are carriers of deadly diseases. These insects can live in almost any environment. If you’re worried about the spread of disease, it’s important to know more about where do mosquitoes live. Here are some facts to help you get a better idea.

The majority of mosquitoes come from moist lands. These include swamps, marshes, lakes, rivers, and wetlands. These environments are ideal for breeding. Some of these species are also attracted to clean, nutrient-rich waters. During winter, mosquitoes may hibernate, which increases their population.

During the summer, mosquitoes are out and about. They’re a common yard pest. They usually stay near their birthplace, but can travel up to two miles. They can even lay their eggs in stagnant water. During the evening, most species will feed.

The female mosquito has a life cycle that lasts up to two months. She relies on plants, warm temperatures, and water to survive. Once she finds a blood meal, she continues to lay eggs. She eats three milligrams of blood per feeding. When she bites a host, she sucks the blood into her proboscis. This helps her sense the host’s body temperature.

Once a female adult mosquito lays her eggs, she needs a blood meal to continue the cycle. She must wait at least six seconds for the blood to settle. If she falls into the water, she could drown. She then searches for a vessel that will allow her to extract the blood. She then uses the blood to nourish the eggs.