What to Mosquitoes Hate

Choosing the best mosquito repellent is important. If you live in an area that gets a lot of mosquitoes, it’s a good idea to use the products that are EPA approved. You can also try natural alternatives. You can use essential oils as mosquito repellents. These oils have been shown to be effective and safe.

There are several plants that can be used to repel mosquitoes. One of the most common is lavender. It has a beautiful floral scent, and it is a great insect repellent.

You can also try using rosemary. This herb repels mosquitoes and cabbage moths. You can also use garlic to kill mosquitoes. Garlic has a very strong odor, so it will drive mosquitoes away.

You can also use peppermint oil to repel mosquitoes. You can apply peppermint oil directly to your skin, or use it as a vaporizer. You can also use apple cider vinegar. This is one of the best mosquito repellents. It can be applied to your skin, mixed with honey, or added to soups or cocktails.

The EPA recommends you remove standing water and trash containers from your yard. You should also cover your toys and turn over your planters.

You can also make your own mosquito repellent with apple cider vinegar and witch hazel. You can also use lemongrass eucalyptus oil. This will not only keep mosquitoes away, it will make your home smell pleasant.

Another mosquito repellent is a candle. It may not be the most elegant way to keep mosquitoes away, but it works.