How Many Mosquitoes Do Spiders Eat?

Among the many ways spiders help with nature’s pest control is by eating mosquitoes. This is because mosquitoes are a nuisance and are associated with the spread of diseases like malaria and Zika.

A recent study published in the Journal of Arachnology revealed that a type of spider called an Evarcha culicivora feeds on female Anopheles mosquitoes. Known as the vampire spider, these spiders have an extraordinary ability to see and sense prey. They can single out prey by smell and can jump as much as 40 times their body length.

In addition to consuming mosquitoes, spiders can also eat other insects such as birds, fish, and lizards. These creatures are important to their ecosystems and can serve as food sources for other animals. In fact, they have a ripple effect on other animals, helping them to avoid being eaten by predators.

Spiders can also paralyze prey and inject venom. These abilities are especially useful for spiders that eat mosquitoes. They can also eat flies, moths, and roaches. In fact, spiders consume between 400 and 800 million metric tons of insects each year.

The majority of spiders do not prefer specific insects as their main prey. The majority of spiders eat a variety of different insects, including mosquitoes. There are two species of spiders that are considered to be mosquito-specialists. These spiders are Paracyrba wanlessi and Evarcha culicivora.

These spiders are said to be hard-wired to hunt mosquitoes. They can hunt adult mosquitoes, larval mosquitoes, and even empty prey.