Do I Need Mosquito Repellent in Cancun?

Whether you’re going to Cancun for vacation or you’re just spending time in the area, you should use mosquito repellent. If you don’t, you could end up with a painful sting.

In Cancun, the weather is generally warm and sunny. This means that you’re likely to encounter a lot of insects. The bugs can be very annoying, but you’re unlikely to get any disease from them. The only thing that you can do is to dress correctly to prevent bugs from attacking you.

If you’re going to be exploring the jungle, you’ll want to wear long sleeves and socks. You can also use a mosquito screen to keep the bugs from landing on your skin.

You should also take a few insect repellents. They are available in both spray and lotion form. You can choose from all-natural products or those that contain DEET. You can also bring an ice pack to help with itchiness. If you’re in a hotel, you should keep windows closed and use a mosquito net.

You can find insect repellents in all sorts of places in Mexico. Some of the common ones include lemon eucalyptus oil, rosemary oil, and cedarwood oil. These are often sold under various brand names. However, you should also know that oil-based products don’t offer the same protection as Picaridin.

You’ll also need to take special precautions if you’re pregnant. You should consult your doctor before using any product. You can also try an after-bite treatment, such as Andotol gel. It works well on swollen areas after a bite.