Can You Use Mosquito Repellent When Pregnant?

During pregnancy, it is important to avoid mosquito bites to prevent illness. These bites can carry diseases such as Zika, West Nile, and malaria.

Insect repellants are available in many forms, including lotions, oils, sprays, and wipes. When choosing a repellent, consider what features are most important.

When applying an insect repellent, it is best to use a product that contains only a small amount of DEET. Overexposure to DEET can cause burning of the eyes and difficulty breathing. Some ingredients in repellents may also get into the bloodstream, causing rashes.

DEET has been commercially used as an active ingredient in insect repellants since the 1950s. It is registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It is safe for pregnant women and has been recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for use against insect-borne infection.

It is also possible to avoid insect bites by using natural plant-based insect repellents. However, these products lack sufficient data on their safety during pregnancy. These include citronella, lemongrass, and lavender. It is best to discuss these products with your healthcare provider before using them.

Another option for protecting against mosquitoes is to wear clothing that covers the body. This includes long pants and sleeves. It is also advisable to cover the back of the neck and ankles. You should avoid areas with high levels of risk such as marshlands, riverside meadows, and forest glades.

Although mosquitoes are not considered to be a more significant threat to pregnant women than nonpregnant individuals, overexposure can cause blisters and skin rashes. If you are going to be outdoors, it is important to apply sunscreen before applying an insect repellent.