Do Mosquitoes Come Out in the Fall?

Depending on where you live, you may not be able to tell if mosquitoes come out in the fall. However, if you know what to expect, you can protect your family from mosquito-borne diseases.

There are four stages in the life cycle of a mosquito: egg, larval, pupal and adult. Each stage has different requirements for the mosquito to survive. For example, an adult mosquito needs an ideal temperature range of 64degF to 93degF. The ideal temperature range varies depending on where you live.

Adult mosquitoes tend to die off in the winter, depending on the species. Some species die off completely before spring. Others survive the winter in hibernation-like stages. Others re-emerge in the spring, after the warm weather has arrived.

During the fall months, mosquitoes are preparing for winter. The females of some species lay eggs, which are kept in a dormant state through the winter. These eggs won’t mature until the winter weather improves.

Adult mosquitoes can persist for several months. Some species die off completely before the spring season, while others re-emerge in the spring, depending on the species.

Depending on the species, mosquitoes are active during the early morning and evening hours. Aedes mosquitoes, which are known for their aggressive behavior, can be found during the morning and afternoon.

Mosquitoes tend to shut down when temperatures fall below 50degF. This makes it harder for mosquitoes to function properly. However, they are still able to breed. Several mosquito species are capable of over-wintering in standing water. Aedes aegypti, a mosquito known as a water flea, is one species that can over-winter.