Symptoms of Mosquito Bites

Symptoms of mosquito bites vary according to the person’s immune system. Some people get a mild allergic reaction, while others have a more serious reaction. If you have a severe reaction to a mosquito bite, you should contact a physician immediately.

Most people get bitten by mosquitoes at least once a year. Mosquitoes have special mouthparts that allow them to feed on blood. Male mosquitoes do not bite humans. The female mosquito uses a long, tubular mouthpart to pierce the skin and feed on blood.

Mosquito saliva contains proteins that prompt an inflammatory response from the immune system. It causes an itchy sensation. It can also lead to a skin infection.

Infected mosquito bites can lead to a fever, headache, body aches, and more. People who have a weakened immune system are more susceptible to the symptoms of a mosquito bite. People with severe allergic reactions may have hives and a fever.

Some people do not have any reaction at all to a mosquito bite. If you have a mild reaction, you can use over-the-counter anti-itch cream to relieve the pain. Itching may also be relieved by using an ice pack or washing with baking soda and water.

Some people experience redness and swelling after a mosquito bite. The swelling may last for up to seven days. Usually, the redness starts within 24 hours of being bitten.

Some people also develop a fever, chills, or general fatigue after being bitten by mosquitoes. In extreme cases, a person may experience anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis may be life-threatening. Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction include swelling, low grade fever, and throat swelling.