Why Does Head Lice Occur?

Head lice are small parasitic insects that infest human scalps. They can be cured with simple home remedies such as washing clothing and pillows at 60 degrees C, and drying in a dryer for 15 minutes. Although this treatment is not always effective, it can help prevent small outbreaks. It is important to remember that head lice do not survive long away from their host.

Head lice spread through contact with infected people, and they are very contagious. However, unlike other parasites, head lice do not transmit any diseases and can only live in close proximity to their host’s scalp. Since they cannot fly, they can only move through the hair and cannot live in water without a host. They also cling to clothing and personal items, so you should avoid sharing personal items with people who may be infected.

Adult lice are about the size of a sesame seed, and they are white or grayish-tan in color. Adult lice live on human scalps for up to 30 days, but they will eventually fall off. You should avoid sharing your personal items with other people, especially clothing and bedding. Also, you should keep your hair clean and dry in order to prevent lice.

If you suspect that your child has head lice, it is best to keep them home from school until the end of the day. Then, they should go home and undergo treatment. Head-to-head contact is a major cause of infection with head lice, so it’s important to avoid such close contact with other kids. Children should also avoid sharing hats and stuffed animals with other children. It is also recommended that they wash their personal items and clothing items regularly and dry them on the hot cycle. If the clothing and personal items cannot be washed, they should be stored in a plastic bag for at least two weeks. In addition, it is important to soak hairbrushes in hot water to kill lice.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!