Why Are Head Lice Different Colours?

Head lice are different colours depending on the type of blood they feed on. Young ones are light and translucent, while dark and black lice eggs are close to hatching. While it is difficult to spot head lice on a human head, they are visible if they are on hair. They are not harmless and should be treated as such.

Live nits are golden or brown. They become darker as they hatch, so it is impossible to detect lice with the naked eye. Hatched eggs are white or translucent, and are difficult to spot in hair. Using a home remedy will not kill lice eggs, so you must get professional help to get rid of them for good.

Although the colour of head lice is not a cause for concern, the fact that they are difficult to detect means that you will need a magnifying glass. A magnifying glass will help you focus on tiny areas, and will help you detect movement. It is also helpful if you have trouble seeing things clearly at close range.

Children in preschool and elementary schools are the most common victims of head lice. Girls are more likely to get the infection than boys. This may be due to more head-to-head contact and their hair being longer, which provides more darkness and warmth. Interestingly, African-Americans are less likely to get head lice than other races in the United States, as lice claws have a harder time grasping black hair.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!