What Conditions Do Head Lice Like?
Head lice are a nuisance for children, and there are many ways to treat them. Some treatments can be found at drugstores, while others require a doctor’s prescription. In severe cases, treatment may be necessary for family members who shared bedding with a child infected with lice.
The best way to treat head lice is to change pillowcases regularly. It’s not necessary to treat the entire family unless they have had head-to-head contact. Changing pillowcases will cure head lice and it’s easy to do. Wash them in hot water and dry in a hot clothes dryer.
Lice are very small, six-legged insects. They are white or gray in color, but may be red if they have been exposed to blood. Lice eggs are white or yellowish-white, and they appear stuck to individual hairs near the scalp. Infestations usually last anywhere from two to six weeks.
There are many OTC medications and prescription medicines for treating head lice. Parents should read the labels and consult a physician. Prescription drugs such as spinosad or topical ivermectin are available from pediatricians. Non-prescription treatments include Permethrin cream, which can be purchased without a prescription. Permethrin cream should be applied to towel-dried hair. Then, the child should wait at least 10 minutes.
The best way to prevent lice infestations is to wash personal items regularly. This is crucial for both your child and your household. It’s also important to avoid head-to-head contact and make sure everyone in the household is treated for the disease.