How to Identify and Eliminate Head Lice

Head lice are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans. They are typically found near the scalp and behind the ears, although they may also be found on the eyelashes and eyebrows. Typically, they stay in one location for several days before they drop off. However, there are ways to identify them and eliminate them.

First, look for nits. These tiny, sticky creatures are attached to the hair near the scalp. They’re difficult to remove because they’re firmly attached to each individual strand of hair. Another symptom is persistent itching of the scalp. This can be accompanied by infected scratch marks and a rash. To treat the infestation, you can try using “Ovide,” a prescription lice shampoo that contains malathion.

The best way to cure head lice is by washing any items used in the infestation within two days. If the items aren’t washable, you should dry clean them. This method usually cures head lice, but it may be necessary to visit a dermatologist if your symptoms don’t improve.

Using an insecticide may be necessary. Generally, you can purchase a shampoo or lotion that contains 1% permethrin without a prescription, but you should still consult your health care provider if you’re not sure of the strength of the medication. When using insecticides to kill head lice, you need to make sure that you follow the directions on the bottle. You should also avoid head-to-head contact with a person with head lice.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!