How Small Can Head Lice Be?

If you suspect your child has head lice, the first thing you should do is to wash their clothing. Make sure to wash in hot water and dry on a high heat. Once they are clean, store the clothing in a plastic bag for two weeks. This time period will allow for the egg to hatch and die. You should also check the other members of the household for head lice as well.

Although it is rare for children to get head lice, it is still best to prevent this condition. Children should avoid head-to-head contact with their peers and parents should always check their children if they have been around a person with head lice. You can easily treat head lice at home if you follow the proper hygiene and treatment instructions. Changing pillowcases frequently is another way to control the lice infestation.

Head lice are tiny, grayish insects that live in human hair. These insects feed on human blood and usually stay close to the scalp and behind the ears. In some cases, you can find them on the eyelashes and eyebrows as well. It is difficult to detect them unless you use a magnifying glass, so be sure to check the area thoroughly.

Head lice come in three forms – nits, nymphs, and adults. The nymphs are smaller than sesame seeds and develop into adult lice within two to three weeks. They usually feed on blood several times a day. Their egg shells are about 1/16 inch (2 mm) long and stay attached to the hair shafts. Once they hatch, they will become adults and reproduce. If left untreated, this cycle can repeat itself every three weeks. The most common victims of head lice are children and preschoolers. However, anyone can catch this condition. It’s a common parasitic disease all over the world.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!