How High Can Head Lice Jump?

Head lice are tiny, crawling insects that live in your head. They can’t fly or jump, but they can move very quickly and easily in your hair and bedding. They can survive for 12 to 24 hours off a human head before they need to feed again. The most common way they spread is through head-to-head contact, so you should wash your hair regularly if you suspect your child has head lice.

To treat head lice, wash any personal items that come in contact with your child’s head in hot water. After you wash them, place them in a sealed plastic bag to prevent the lice from moving to other surfaces. Also, try not to let your child share personal items with others. Also, avoid physical contact with anyone who has lice. If all the above measures fail, consider taking prescription therapies.

Adult lice are very small, about the size of a sesame seed. The larvae, or nymphs, hatch out about a week after hatching. Their life cycle repeats every three weeks. Adult lice feed on the blood of humans and other humans, but they can live off of the human body for up to two days. Because they are crawling insects, head lice can easily move from one person’s head to another, making them an excellent way to spread the disease.

An adult female louse can produce five to six eggs a day. The eggs are located in nit shells near the scalp. The larvae molt several times over the next nine to fifteen days. When they fall off, they will die. Lice can also be passed on clothing and personal items, but it is rare that they can be passed from person to person.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!