How Can Head Lice Eggs Spread?

If you suspect your child may have head lice, you should immediately get a proper treatment. Head lice are transmitted through close head-to-head contact, and they cannot survive away from a human head for more than a day. You should keep your child from touching other children, and you should also check other family members. In some cases, the entire family may need treatment to prevent reinfestation.

Lice eggs can spread to other hair and clothing, and they can be difficult to remove. You can also check your pillowcases and hats for lice. While you may not be able to disinfect your entire home, washing hats and pillowcases is a good idea. Lice eggs are oval and attached to the base of the hair. The lice hatch from the eggs and develop into nymphs, which are greyish-white in color. The nymphs pass through three stages before becoming adult lice. The adult lice are tan in color and move quickly across the scalp and hair.

Lice eggs are not easily visible, so it is important to examine your child’s hair closely. Always use disposable gloves and a bright light. You can also use a magnifying glass if necessary. Part the child’s hair so that you can examine the scalp and look for moving lice. If you find any, treat them immediately.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!