How and When Does Head Lice Spread?

There are two ways to spread head lice. One is through direct head-to-head contact, and the other is through indirect contact, such as sharing bedding or personal items with an infested person. However, head lice do not spread from person to person or from animal to human. Regardless of the type of transmission, prevention is the key to preventing infestations.

The easiest way to prevent head lice is to avoid head-to-head contact with other infested persons. While this is usually the easiest way to spread them, indirect contact with infested persons or shared objects can also spread them to others. Because head lice cannot fly or jump, they cannot survive more than two days without human blood, so it is important to limit head-to-head contact with other people.

The best way to prevent head lice is to avoid sharing personal items and clothing with infested individuals. Make sure everyone in your household is treated and that clothing and household items are cleaned thoroughly. Using a hot water and hot cycle, clean all personal items and clothing. For items that cannot be washed, store them in plastic bags for two weeks. You can also use a nit comb to remove eggs and larva from hair.

If your child has a head lice infection, you should treat it immediately to prevent it from spreading. If you notice that your child has head lice, try not to share personal items or clothing with them. This way, the lice won’t spread to other family members.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!