Can Head Lice Come Back After Treatment?
Medicated shampoos and medications used to treat head lice kill the lice and their eggs. Prescription and over-the-counter medicines contain the active ingredients pyrethrin and permethrin. A fine-toothed comb is another effective method of lice removal. After combing the hair, soak it in hot water for at least 10 minutes. Make sure to follow the directions of any medicine you use to get the most effective results.
When applying the medicine to your child’s head, remember not to use conditioner or any other products that might prevent the medicine from working. Also, be sure to wash towels and combs thoroughly before reusing them. In some cases, stronger lice treatments are necessary. You may also need to treat yourself if you shared bedding with your child.
Proper treatment will ensure that the lice are completely killed and that no new lice will appear. Taking these precautions is essential to ensure that your child’s head remains free from head lice for life. In addition to taking the proper precautions, you should also educate the rest of your family members on the treatment.
Once you get rid of head lice, it’s vital to remember that you have to kill all of the eggs, as well as the live lice. If you leave the eggs untreated, new lice will hatch in a few days or weeks. This cycle repeats itself, making it difficult to be sure that you’ve fully eradicated all of the lice.